Aspire to improve your knowledge of personal finance, stock market investing, and trading by reading the following 25 books in 2023.
7. Coffee Can Investing
8. 100 BAGGERS
9. Richer, Wiser, Happier
10. The Richest Man in Babylon
11. You Can Compound
12. One Up on Wall Street
13. Stocks to Riches
14. The Most Important Thing
15. Beating The Street
16. Investonomy : The Stock Market Guide
17. Let’s Talk Money
18. Common Sense Investing
19. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits
20. Expectations Investing
21. Capital Returns
22. Bulls, Bears and other Beasts
23. The Art of Handling Money
24. The Millionaire Next Door
25. The Unusual Billionaires
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